Archive For The “blog” Category

On Feb. 27, NPO Arakawa Clean Aid Forum held its annual reporting session, and I am pleased to announce that Tokyo River Friends, which is a Jambo International group, received two awards. One was for the most trash removed from the Arakawa in 2019, and the other was for the most number of clean up…

A videographer from Germany joined our last event at Yahiro. This is the video that he produced. I should have taken him on a tour of the dirty areas beforehand as much of the clip shows areas after we had cleaned, but still some great coverage of the event.

Thirteen volunteers (7 Japanese, 2 New Zealanders, 2 Americans, 1 Malaysian, and 1 Canadian) turned out for this event and collected 52 bags of trash from the Myoden side of the river. The weather was beautiful, the tide cooperated, and it was a great day with beautiful scenery and some much needed exercise. Four people…

Arakawa River Clean Up today on the Nakagawa island next to the Tozai Line. Ten volunteers (5 Japanese, 1 Briton, 1 Scotsman, 1 Peruvian, 1 Malaysian and 1 American) collected 86 bags of trash. There was a mid-day lunch with bentos under the the C2 highway overlooking the river. The Tozai Line bridge is in…

It was a big day on the Edogawa today! Six volunteers (5 Japanese and 1 American) collected 50 bags of trash or over 8 bags per person. This was a near record with our second largest volume of trash collected to date. At roughly 15 pounds per bag (guessing), that should be over 700 pounds…

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into…